Hannah Steiner

Environmental activist

Dr. Hannah Steiner (born December 23, 1989) is a German marine wildlife conservation and environmental activist, a member anti-poaching group and a direct action group focused on marine conservation. Hannah is especially involved in climate and environmental activism and is a keen cyclist.  In 2013, she was appointed as a Professor of Ecological Building Technologies at the Department of Architecture, University of Hanover.

She is a German advocator of animals’ right and a conservationist, and specialist on Dolphins and Sharks. Dr. Hannah was one of the endless researchers that undertake in-depth research on many sea animals. She focused on the effect of plastic pollution on animal’s behavior and reproduction. Many of her researches and articles are published in many websites and newspapers. 

Nationality: German
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Air pollution is not just a human problem -- it's also changing the gut of British bumblebees

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