After the parliament in the afternoon from 12:00am we set off to join other people/strikers at Muyenga and we started our climate strike that had a common voice "Declare Climate Emergency Now" and other demands written in art on placards. The strike gathered participation over 60 students from primary, high schools and I mobilized a team of youth from my university (Kampala International University) too.
What I do;
A part from coordinating climate strikes, I speak to others about the Fridays For Future movement's youth space to participate in Climate Action, how they can join us and the relevance of Climate Strikes in amplifying youth voices.
I am a green campaigner at Green Climate Campaign Africa, I plant trees as I visit schools and universities to share with them the KEEP MAMA AFRICA GREEN message. I have founded a digital platform to create more awareness on climate change, and also use social media platforms.