Due to these disappointing acts, since May 2018 the prime minister has come under pressure from Conservative backbenchers and others to confirm her willingness to walk away from the Brexit negotiations without a deal. Theresa May also declares that preparations for a no deal Brexit would be stepped up at the cabinet meeting in Chequers in July 2018.
The EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has the same words and has cautioned that the negotiations could still end up and the European Commission’s president, Jean-Claude Juncker, has warned that the EU is stepping up preparations for a no deal out come as well.
During the EU referendum campaign the farming minister and prominent leave campaigner George Eustice MP told The Guardian that, "the Birds and Habitats Directives would go" if we voted to leave the EU. He went on to describe the EU nature laws as "spirit crushing".
If we consider all these words, we could conclude that Brexit will be a great threat to UK’s environment.
For more, there are two options for UK politicians to exit EU union. A no deal Brexit could be peaceful or anarchic. A peaceful no deal would see the UK and the EU attempt to ease trade barriers through bilateral agreements. An anarchic no deal would require the UK to trade with the EU under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules with no preferential tariff agreement. There would be no transition period and no customs co-operation. There would also be a hard Irish border. This briefing sets out the risks of a anarchic no deal to the UK’s environment in the fields of climate and energy, agriculture, chemicals, nature protection and overall governance. However, it is worth accentuating that climate and energy, agriculture, chemicals, nature protection and some other fields would be risky in the case of a peacful no deal.
However, we have this chance to force the government to consider our requests for environmental nature when is writing new policy after Brexit. We may do not have this chance to improve our environmental protections through campaigning in the future to make sure pesticide reduction is at the heart of farming in the UK.
Price Greenholt