29 Nov 2024
Fifty-five million years ago, the Earth took a fever. Somehow, 12,000 billion tonnes of carbon escaped into the atmosphere – and global temperatures soared by 5-8 degrees Celsius over the next few thousand years.
What caused this event [i] is still subject to scientific debate, but a vast release of methane from the deep oceans and burning peat swamps and jungles in the tropics are favoured theories. The key lesson is that it only takes a relatively small push for the Earth to generate catastrophic shifts in heating or cooling on its own.
Underlying all the rhetoric and posturing, the genuine promises and the veiled insincerities at COP26 in Glasgow lies one enormous, utterly risky, assumption: that humans can actually stop the climate machine from cooking the planet. Growing evidence suggests we may no longer be in control of our own fate.
Most people have by now heard of ‘tipping points’ – where the Earth system flips rapidly from one state to another, without possibility of a return. Where a small change in a system makes a vast difference. In the end, humanity’s fate will most probably depend, not on our own actions, but on what happens with nine key tipping points.
There are numerous other tipping points and feedbacks, including the loss of the world’s corals, destabilization of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation, spreading deserts and loss of sea-ice which all add smaller or larger impacts to the effects of the major ones.
These tipping points reinforce one another, forming what scientists call a ‘cascade’, which will will add another 1.5 degrees or more to the +3-4 degrees already unleashed by human activity. This will lead to the condition known as Hothouse Earth, in which much of the planet becomes basically unliveable for humans and large animals. Summer heatwave temperatures of 50, 60 and even 70 degrees will become common in the world’s hot regions such as the Middle East, SubSaharan Africa, Australia, southwest USA, the Gobi and Andean South America.
The reason for the urgency at COP26 is that this cascade of self-reinforcing, irreversible changes was once thought to set in once the Earth warms to +2 degrees. However new observational science tells us that most of these effects are already under way at +1.2 degrees and are proceeding faster, some much faster, than expected. Also, there is little we can do about any of them: the Earth is now warming itself.
Humans lit the match. Our home is afire. The dwindling possibility of saving ourselves from immolation requires not only a complete cessation of all human carbon emissions within the current decade, but also heroic measures to remove carbon from the atmosphere, such as replanting half the world with trees. Even then there must be serious doubt whether tinkering with the intricate machinery of the climate will yield anything other than fresh, unanticipated disasters.
It is time to put aside the juvenilia of nationalistic chest-thumping and disputation, and for all peoples together to throw all our energies into a plan for human survival. Otherwise, we embrace the unthinkable.
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