29 Nov 2024
It is clear that the global goals that we as a society have set for ourselves are not being achieved in time. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic; we have not stopped our mission, however the statistics reflect a very discouraging situation.
We know what we need to do in the face of the Climate Emergency; that is, promote a new energy system, reduce GHGs, implement strategies based on the circular economy, etc. It is also well known to all those that are aware of the Biodiversity Crisis a different use of natural resources, environmental education and ecological justice is needed, but we follow the same schemes, destroying our ecosystems and jeopardising the environmental harmony of our planet. From the SDGs we know that we have a very broad agenda to comply globally with the "basic" issues of human beings, such as education, health care, eradication of poverty and hunger, but unfortunately they are not yet fully met.
And despite this, it is very common to hear "The SDGs are not going to be met on time, they must be postponed.”
But they have been postponed for more than 73 years already, as it was in 1948 that it was written in the Charter of Human Rights that all human beings have the right to health, education, food, etc ... and although they have been implemented to some extent, it has been insufficient. In these last 73 years the World has increased its riches like never before, but we have not been able to solve these "basic" problems.
The efforts have been insufficient and have not had the expected results because they have not been implemented progressively and much less equitably, it is as evident as observing the abysmal inequality between the countries of the Global North and the Global South.
Our society in the Global North, it pains me to say, is disconnected from the World reality and has failed to transmit the basics of decency while sharing the globe, so it is necessary to promote cooperation, make visible all realities and bring to discussion the role of the current hegemonic system that generates this planetary condition.
Faced with this situation and to give continuity and validity to the work of these global goals, the Millennium Goals (MDGs) and now the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created, which are a global declaration adapted to the XXI century of Human Rights.
Therefore, it is imperatively necessary to focus on the objectives and goals that we have set, and not think about postponing the timing of the SDGs, as they have not even begun to be implemented in some parts of the planet.
The promotion of national and local action plans are of utmost importance for the development of the SDGs, and even today not all countries have a defined strategy to work on the 2030 Agenda, much less if we go to local governments. We find that the international system cannot make plans as it does not have the funding to develop them.
I believe that the basic problem of the current situation is to work on 3 fundamental factors to work together and in an organized and direct way in the face of this problem. Vaccination has not been shared equally across the globe.
The climate agenda has not been properly funded.
The SDG agenda has not been funded around the world.
No national plans have been implemented to global problems.
This means that a strong multilateral system is needed, with national Governments that understand international responsibility and a plan for operations at different levels.
The struggle for development, implementation and respect for Human Rights is more current than ever and we have the roadmap, the SDGs.
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Brigitte Colman
Les énergies renouvlabales sont indispensables pour notre avenir.