What can world leaders do to make COP26 deforestation pledge a success? George Scott December 29, 2021 Cutting down forests has major implications for global goals to curb warming, as trees absorb about a third of the....
To end illegal deforestation, Brazil may legalize it entirely, experts warn Liang Lan December 23, 2021 Governmental actions have fueled skepticism about Brazil’s real commitment to its climate goals and pledges the country embraced at the....
In Last 15 Years, Deforestation Made Outdoor Work Unsafe for Millions George Scott December 21, 2021 An estimated 5 million people lost at least half an hour of safe work time per day, in recently deforested....
How Veganism Can Help Ease The World’s Land Use Crisis George Scott December 20, 2021 One year on from the first recorded case of COVID-19, ecologists are emphasising that deforestation increases our risk of pandemics…
To Stop Climate Change, 2022 Needs to Step It Up Hannah Steiner December 18, 2021 If 2021 was the year of forward planning, could 2022 be the year of action?
Major fashion brands linked to deforestation in the Amazon, report finds George Scott December 06, 2021 Obscure supply chains connect at least 100 companies to illegal logging and land clearing in Brazil
What will it take to end deforestation by 2030? Liang Lan December 04, 2021 Here's how nations can put the brakes on deforestation.
Tracing the Trail of Amazon Deforestation George Scott November 29, 2021 A Times investigation married hourslong stakeouts with data reporting and found that it’s all too easy for hides from illegally....