Four ways to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises simultaneously Hannah Steiner July 26, 2021 A landmark report by the world’s most senior climate and biodiversity scientists argues that the world will have to tackle....
Human rights must be at heart of new biodiversity framework, experts say Liang Lan May 27, 2021 The planet’s wildlife is disappearing at unprecedented rates and ecosystems are deteriorating rapidly, according to a growing number of studies.
Covid-19 – a blessing for pangolins? Liang Lan April 19, 2020 Pangolins are the world’s most trafficked mammals, but there is evidence that they were the source of the new coronavirus....
Nature’s Blueprint Simon M Lamb February 29, 2020 An economy is an ecosystem, with we humans as its species.
Flying into Danger Simon M Lamb February 22, 2020 You may have heard a lot of people talking and writing about solutions to the world environmental, But do you....
What Are the Main Types of Habitat Loss? Hannah Steiner February 08, 2020 Habitat loss—due to destruction, fragmentation, or degradation of habitat—is the primary threat to the survival of wildlife.
Why are Wetlands Important? Hannah Steiner February 02, 2020 Wetlands provide numerous beneficial services for people and for fish and wildlife.
Ocean Acidification; Negative impacts on Marine life Hannah Steiner February 01, 2020 Seas are getting more acidic and that is a key impact of today’s climate crisis.