Study yields new insights into the link between global warming and rising sea levels Tired Earth August 03, 2024 By the same token, if emissions continue on the current trajectory, Antarctic ice loss could lead to more future sea....
Are we missing a crucial component of sea-level rise? Hannah Steiner September 15, 2022 Using numerical ice sheet models, the study co-authors tested hypotheses about whether the onset of such thaw could lead to....
World’s glaciers are melting faster than expected, with visible consequences Liang Lan August 01, 2022 The extreme temperatures Europe has experienced in recent weeks have resulted in an increase in the rate of snowpack melt....
We studied how the Antarctic ice sheet advanced and retreated over 10,000 years. It holds warnings for the future Liang Lan July 14, 2022 Alarming stories from Antarctica are now more frequent than ever; the ice surface is melting, floating ice shelves are collapsing....
Microplastics found in freshly fallen Antarctic snow for first time Liang Lan June 09, 2022 New Zealand researchers identified tiny plastics, which can be toxic to plants and animals, in 19 snow samples
Antarctic ice shelf nearly the size of Los Angeles collapsed as temperatures soared to 40 above normal Liang Lan March 28, 2022 An ice shelf in Antarctica nearly the size of Los Angeles disintegrated in mid-March within days of extraordinary warmth on....
Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise Liang Lan February 14, 2022 The melting of ice sheets at the points where they float on and along the world's oceans is a major....
New radar technology records Antarctic glaciers losing ice faster than ever documented before George Scott February 08, 2022 In a new University of Houston study using an advanced remote imaging system known as synthetic aperture radar interferometry, three....