Air pollution is not just a human problem -- it's also changing the gut of British bumblebees Hannah Steiner April 30, 2023 Research finds that exposure to air pollution changes bumblebee gut bacteria.
Indigenous-managed forests in Brazil's Amazon absorb thousands of dangerous pollutants from wildfires Debbie Banks April 08, 2023 Currently, there are 383 recognized Indigenous territories in the Brazilian Legal Amazon, covering more than 1,160,000 square km.
Air pollution may increase risk for dementia Liang Lan April 06, 2023 More than 57 million people worldwide are currently living with dementia.
Rise in ocean plastic pollution 'unprecedented' since 2005 Liang Lan March 14, 2023 There are an estimated 170 trillion pieces of plastic in the world's oceans today.
Air pollution linked with blood pressure in London teens Hannah Steiner March 05, 2023 Associations between pollutant levels and blood pressure were stronger for girls than boys in study.
Tiny environmental plastic particles in mom's food reach unborn children Hannah Steiner March 01, 2023 New research traces plastics from food to placentas to fetal organs.
Children's lung capacity improved in cleaner air Hannah Steiner February 27, 2023 In general, air pollution was around 40 per cent lower in Stockholm between 2016 and 2019 than it was between....
Far-reaching UN treaty a must to cut global plastic use: experts Debbie Banks February 27, 2023 Many countries lack the infrastructure to handle the scale of plastic waste generated and it remains cheaper to produce virgin....