Interaction with insects accelerates plant evolution, research finds Tired Earth June 22, 2024 Since different soil types differ in their chemical and physical composition, plants need to adapt their physiology to optimize this....
Bee body mass, pathogens and local climate influence heat tolerance Tired Earth May 07, 2024 Understanding how organisms tolerate temperature extremes is critical for assessing the threat climate change poses to species' distribution and persistence.
How air pollution is making life tougher for bugs Hannah Steiner September 25, 2023 Many insects rely on their sense of smell to locate flowers. When they feed on nectar, they quickly connect the....
Butterflies on the decline Hannah Steiner May 21, 2023 Research shows that the numbers of butterflies in meadows and pastures of Europe are in a continuous decline. A new....
Air pollution is not just a human problem -- it's also changing the gut of British bumblebees Hannah Steiner April 30, 2023 Research finds that exposure to air pollution changes bumblebee gut bacteria.
Why orchid bees concoct their own fragrance Hannah Steiner April 15, 2023 "What we didn't know, however, was who was supposed to receive this signal. The females? Or rival males?"
Pollination loss removes healthy foods from global diets, increases chronic diseases causing excess deaths Debbie Banks December 14, 2022 Changes in land-use, use of harmful pesticides, and advancing climate change threaten wild pollinators, imperiling human supply of healthy foods.
Honey bee life spans are 50% shorter today than they were 50 years ago Debbie Banks November 14, 2022 In an effort to understand why, researchers have focused on environmental stressors, diseases, parasites, pesticide exposure and nutrition.