Protecting just 0.7% of world's land could help save a third of unique and endangered species Tired Earth September 07, 2024 Given the global importance of the biodiversity found within these regions, high-income countries must mobilize funding to facilitate sustainable development....
High speed video shows hippos get airborne when running Tired Earth July 07, 2024 For such a large animal, they also run surprisingly fast—some have been clocked at speeds up to 30 km/hr.
To Avert a Mass Extinction, Protect 1 Percent of Earth Tired Earth June 29, 2024 Most species are rare, meaning they are few in number or cover a small range, or both. As a result,....
A high-fat diet may fuel anxiety Tired Earth June 22, 2024 New research shows when animals are fed a diet high in saturated fat for nine weeks, their gut bacteria change....
Extended maternal care is a central factor to animal and human longevity, modeling study suggests Tired Earth June 18, 2024 Zipple and co-authors provide a universal mathematical model that demonstrates the relationship between the maternal survival and fitness of offspring....
Research shows goats can tell if you are happy or angry by your voice alone Hannah Steiner January 30, 2024 The study reveals that goats may have developed a sensitivity to our vocal cues over their long association with humans.
Study: Animal-to-human diseases could kill 12 times as much by 2050 Hannah Steiner November 04, 2023 The study did not include COVID-19, which caused the global pandemic in 2020 and is likely to have originated in....
Study shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning Hannah Steiner May 06, 2023 Great apes, long-tailed macaques and keas have all been shown to use the relative frequencies of items to predict sampling....