Acknowledging the True Cost of Climate Change on World Patient Safety Day Selva Ozelli September 19, 2020 The current high levels of air pollution around the world has contributed to increased rates of chronic respiratory disease and....
Watching your child struggling to breathe is horrible’: The lives changed by Britain’s poisonous air Liang Lan September 12, 2020 Failure to hit legal nitrogen dioxide limits is putting families and vulnerable people at serious risk
The New Alzheimer’s–Air Pollution Link Hannah Steiner May 14, 2020 Toxic airborne particles can travel from lungs and nose to the brain, and exposure is linked to memory loss.
What is a carbon footprint? Emile Agard February 10, 2020 You can't control everything, but being conscious of your carbon footprint helps.
Acid Rain: Causes, effects and solutions Liang Lan February 09, 2020 Acid rain affects nearly every biotic and abiotic thing.
Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion Karabo Meyer January 28, 2020 Ozone layer depletion increases the amount of UVB that reaches the Earth’s surface.
Urban populations in south-east at greatest risk from air pollution Emile Agard January 27, 2020 More than one in 19 deaths in UK’s largest towns and cities linked to exposure to toxic air
Air pollution making the NHS winter crisis worse, say medics George Scott December 18, 2019 Health professionals are demanding a new Clean Air Act setting legally binding targets for particulate levels.