Rapid decline of Arctic sea ice a combination of climate change and natural variability . March 14, 2017 Arctic sea ice in recent decades has declined even faster than predicted by most models of climate change.
Has Flying Become More Eco-Friendly Than Driving? . March 14, 2017 ealthy environmentalists such as Al Gore and Laurie David get a lot of stick for flying around the world in....
A Renewable Energy Journey in the Pacific . March 14, 2017 The pursuit of high penetration of renewable energy in the Pacific involves good planning and skilled navigation to stay safe....
Warning: living in a city could seriously damage your health . March 14, 2017 I recently spent some time walking around Washington DC, where I live, with an aethalometer sticking out of my shirt....
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating . March 11, 2017 Our new study improves estimates of the rate of ocean warming - a critical component of climate change
Can new mobile app help solve Egypt's environmental problems? . March 11, 2017 CAIRO — Dr. WEEE is a company that recycles electronic waste using a mobile app for e-waste collection. On March....
Argentina Plans Energy Auctions to Drive $7 Billion Investment . March 11, 2017 Argentina is planning at least four energy auctions this year that are expected to attract as much as $7 billion....
Brake dust may cause more problems than blackened wheel covers . March 11, 2017 Metals from brakes and other automotive systems are emitted into the air as fine particles, lingering over busy roadways. Now,....