Occupation :
T.D. (Terry) Morgan is a cli-fi author whose extensive travels around the globe studying and observing the effects of climate change on biodiversity combined with his background as a former land use and property rights attorney, serve as inspiration for his novels. T.D. and his wife, Karen, began their international travels, oriented around wildlife observation in the mid-80’s venturing into Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Antarctica with an eventual focus on the world’s rainforests and the African savannah and have since visited all 7 continents finding birds, story ideas and ways to support individuals and organizations working to restore planetary biodiversity. T.D. was inspired to write his first novel, Tarangire Dreams, after a trip to Tanzania observing the family life of African elephants and the vital role they play in maintaining the savannah ecosystem. Tired of the soft solutions approach to anti-poaching campaigns, main character Will Jordan, a retired American land rights lawyer and ex-Special Forces officer recruits a team of retired professionals turned adventurers to disrupt the ivory poaching trade within Tarangire National Park. His second novel The Wrong Client is set in Texas, Brazil and Argentina in the year 2034 with the earth passing 1.8 degrees Celsius setting off a global warming emergency never faced before. Russian espionage, a below-the-radar- Antarctica research team and a potentially deadly trip down the Amazon tributary dot this climate fiction and legal thriller while highlighting the threats to humanity and biodiversity posed by sea level rise, tropical deforestation, and perhaps the most incipient of all, greed. When not out in the field, Morgan and Karen spend time between their home in Dallas, Texas and at their ranch in southeast Arizona.
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