I’m Asitha Jayawardena, a communicator in sustainability and research. In 2009, I obtained an MSc in Education for Sustainability with Distinction from London South Bank University. In LinkedIn, I have maintained a total of over 100 articles https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/asithaj Recently, I have developed two research magazines: Cafe SYSTEM CHANGE Research magazine (2019) of Schumacher Institute https://www.schumacherinstitute.org.uk/cafe-system-change/ Sustainability RESEARCH Cafe Magazine (2019) of RCE London https://londonrcenews.wordpress.com/research-magazine/
Acting with better understanding of the effects of climate change is important for the health of our...
The climate crisis is taking the world over. It has repercussions in a variety of areas, and one is...
There is no planet B.
The greenhouse gases absorbing energy as heat is called the Greenhouse Effect. It mirrors the plants...