Large-scale peatland restoration necessary for climate and biodiversity Liang Lan April 15, 2023 In the EU, half of all peatlands have been drained and thus turned into carbon emitters.
World Wetlands Day 2022: How Wetlands Help Minimise Impact Of Climate Change Liang Lan February 02, 2022 2022 is significant as the World Wetlands Day will be observed as a United Nations international day for the first....
OPINION: To cut climate risks and keep 1.5 alive, wetlands are key George Scott December 20, 2021 Better wetland protection could play a huge role in addressing both the climate and nature crises, and curbing disaster risk
Why are Wetlands Important? Hannah Steiner February 02, 2020 Wetlands provide numerous beneficial services for people and for fish and wildlife.
How to Protect Frogs from Extinction Hannah Steiner April 27, 2019 Save the frogs day takes place annually on the last Saturday of April.