Capitalism can’t solve plummeting biodiversity, but here’s how you can George Scott December 09, 2021 No asset manager has yet found a convincing strategy that will both deliver a financial return to clients and stop....
Future investment planned as Antarctic environment protected George Scott November 25, 2021 [Ministerial Media Release] The Morrison Government will protect Antarctica’s pristine wilderness by not proceeding with a decision to build a....
Lobby Wrap: Environment key issue on lobbying circuit Liang Lan November 23, 2021 As climate change continues to dominate the headlines with fires, floods, and warnings of more wind and rains in British....
Protecting human and environmental rights in international investment agreements Rebecca Herbert August 07, 2021 Human rights experts are particularly concerned about the asymmetric nature of the system and a lack of investors’ human rights....
Argentina Plans Energy Auctions to Drive $7 Billion Investment March 11, 2017 Argentina is planning at least four energy auctions this year that are expected to attract as much as $7 billion....