Global biodiversity deal running short on time and ambition Liang Lan April 12, 2022 The first face-to-face negotiations on a new global deal for nature saw more support for protecting 30% of the planet,....
Record profits in oil and gas should be used to fight climate change Liang Lan March 12, 2022 One could have hoped that fossil fuel companies would seize the opportunity when their stocks are trading at all-time high....
Rich countries have 'moral obligation' to finance biodiversity conservation around the world George Scott March 02, 2022 Environmental groups are calling for wealthy nations to boost spending on biodiversity conservation in developing countries, to account for the....
'Financing our own extinction': $1.8tr in subsidies funding nature destruction every year, global study finds Debbie Banks February 17, 2022 Major report calls for rapid action to be taken by government and business to deliver subsidy reform
Is finance failing on deforestation? George Scott February 16, 2022 Sarah Draper, corporate performance programme manager at Global Canopy, explores how corporates, financial institutions and historic inaction is putting the....
The majority of the world promised to end deforestation. But businesses are standing in the way. George Scott January 19, 2022 A new report identifies 500 companies and financial institutions that have failed to protect the world's forests.
Climate of betrayal: fossil fuel subsidies cost $5.9 trillion in 2020 Liang Lan December 16, 2021 Despite promises of tackling climate change, governments around the world are still allowing new oil, gas and coal mines.
Capitalism can’t solve plummeting biodiversity, but here’s how you can George Scott December 09, 2021 No asset manager has yet found a convincing strategy that will both deliver a financial return to clients and stop....