Coffee may become more scarce and expensive thanks to climate change — new research Liang Lan January 31, 2022 The world could lose half of its best coffee-growing land under a moderate climate change scenario. Brazil, which is the....
Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region George Scott January 30, 2022 Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon,....
The majority of the world promised to end deforestation. But businesses are standing in the way. George Scott January 19, 2022 A new report identifies 500 companies and financial institutions that have failed to protect the world's forests.
Too harmful: The march of salt and plastics on world soils Liang Lan January 09, 2022 Unsustainable human activities are exacerbating soil salinity.
Deforestation Creates a Ripple Effect for Local Wildlife George Scott January 08, 2022 The long-term impacts of forest lost could lead to diminishing populations, poorer diets and other consequences for some animals.
Brazil: deforestation jumps in world’s largest savanna as scientists raise alarm George Scott January 04, 2022 Destruction of trees, grasses and other plants in the Cerrado is a major source of Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions
What are the largest rainforests in the world? George Scott January 02, 2022 Rainforests are home to half of the world's plant and animal species, despite covering only 2% of Earth's total surface....
Is pandemic good for biodiversity conservation? Liang Lan December 30, 2021 Walking through the streets were gaurs, civets, and elephants…wildlife was reclaiming its rightful spaces and nature appeared to be reviving....