Nabeel Ismeer

Renewable Energy Professional

Nabeel Ismeer is a renewable energy professional based in South East Asia. He has experience executing and developing a combined 300 MW of Solar PV capacity from Saudi Arabia to Australia. He also writes fiction around characters fighting climate change and racism. His book “The Hunter’s Walk,” will be out mid 2021.

Nationality: SG
June 10, 2021

Who is CO2zilla, and what can I do to stop it? What should I do?

We have read the articles, “6 things you can do for the climate,” or “10 ways to reduce your impact,...

June 26, 2021

Will the top CO2 emitters change their ways? And if not, who is going to save the day?

Bottom line, we are asking these companies, many of them fossil fuel behemoths to forget their botto...

June 15, 2021

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