According to recent research, the oldest wooden wheel ever found comes from Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is a wheel from the year 3200 B.C. around the same time that wheels were used to transport animal-drawn carts.
Humanity: development, an uncertain future and opportunities for change

Since then mankind has not faltered in its relentless race for development followed by the conquest of the seas, continents, industrial revolution, conquest of space and cyberspace today.

The population since the beginning of the industrial revolution in little more than two hundred years went from almost one billion inhabitants to eight billion today, this action caused the loss of habitats and degradation that affects 86% of the total number of threatened birds, 86% of mammals and 88% of

amphibians threatened to such an extent that the balance depends on a fine thread, there is nothing more than looking out the window to contemplate the consequences of the expansion that the human species is causing to the planet, no place is exempt from the effects of this climate crisis caused.

The human species has never faced this scenario in the whole of known history and the responsibility falls on the species itself, its willingness to elect rulers with little or no knowledge of climate issues, multinationals with a voracious appetite to depredate natural resources to the maximum, laws without any kind of force to exemplify environmental crimes, compensatory mechanisms of dubious credibility.

The misnamed clean energies are not exempt from generating pollution because in the course of its implementation leaves behind a significant pollution footprint and the end of its life is not taken into consideration, others seek to capture air pollution at exorbitant prices and that in fact studies show that to capture a ton of carbon dioxide generates another to trap it (CDA) the latter proliferates significantly at the expense of taxpayers' taxes and in favor of extractive companies (greenwashing).

We maintain our position that the only option that captures and stores the pollution caused by humans is nature, but we have exceeded the limits of its capture and storage of greenhouse gases, by significantly destroying forests, climate regulating habitats, suppliers of food, water, medicines, oxygen; natural barriers against desertification, erosion, natural disasters, among the main ones.

Recent reports place developed countries with a negative biocapacity of 10,400% (Singapore), while the developing country has a positive 4,810% (French Guyana) if we make a generalized calculation the pollution of developed countries is 2.5 times higher than the absorption capacity of developing countries.

What options are left to humanity to try to amend the damage caused to the planet if the unsustainable development model is maintained, there are definitely none, but nevertheless we are reluctant to think that all human beings do not think alike and insist that the only way to save the planet is to raise the level of consciousness (collective consciousness).

In 2014 at a meeting in Cambridge where Stephen Hawkins participated, it was concluded that everything has consciousness that manifests itself in everything created (animals, plants, humans) consisting of emotions, learning ability and memory, the human being has the maximum consciousness and self-awareness (action of mirror neurons) that tells us if our actions are ethical or not.

Here we want to refer to another of the most brilliant minds on the planet: "only in times of crisis, the best minds emerge" by Albert Einstein, adding the criteria of these two minds we must reflect and ask ourselves: what do we want for our future generations, a living planet or a barren planet.

We all must assume our environmental responsibility with the planet, with our children, with future generations and we have little time to act and we insist on raising that level of self-awareness that allows us to take strict measures against the enemy created by ourselves.

Great opportunities arise with the first option where history will know how to recognize those who took the opportunity to bet on sustainable development, the great conquests and the names written with bloodshed and pain are already behind us, this war that humanity is facing is not for territory, country or continent, it is for an entire planet and those who get involved will not only leave their name engraved for posterity.

Emphasize a macroeconomic analysis of Harvard University and Nortwestern (2024) that places the social price of carbon at $1,056 for each ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) since in case of not taking concrete actions the world GDP will decrease by 12% significantly affecting the entire global economy, the fight against global warming brings great opportunities, the option of compensation of a renewed, technological and transparent Carbon Market will give much to talk about to the point of turning those involved in a new global conquest based on the protection of nature.


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